Bound body (Wood unknown), beveled heel, satin Maple neck, Rosewood flat radius 24 fret
fingerboard, reverse angled tilt back headstock.
2 single coil and 1 humbucker covered Alnico 'Heatwave' pickups
Master volume, master tone and mid/shape controls, 3 mini switches for the pickups (Coil tap on
the humbucker switch)
Kahler Spyder 2710 double locking trem
Appears in the
1989 'New Horizons' catalogue
available in Black (WE7400BK), Light Blue (WE7400LB), Metallic Red (WE7400MTR), Transparent
Blue (WE7400TRB) and Transparent Red (We7400TPR) .
New prices (Oct 1989 US pricelist) were $599 for Black, Light Blue and Metallic Red
finishes and $675 for Transparent Red, Transparent Blue (Pictured below) or Violin
A post-Matsumoku model, probabnly made in Korea

custom version of the GT was available with added DSR5 Harmonic
Enhancer. Available in Black (WE7450BK), Light Blue (WE7450LB), Metallic Red (WE7450MTR), (All
priced at $675, Oct 1989 pricelist), Transparent Blue (WE7450TRB) and Transparent red
(WE7450TRR), both priced at $750
The picture below is of the front cover of a 1988 catalogue, the guitar on the cover is a
Spectrum Series II SP6112. Apart from having a Bendmaster Deluxe trem and a non-reversed
headstock, it's identical to the Corsair GT