The SX has a different trem (Double
locking Bendmaster FT with fine
tuners) and 2
tone controls. It also had a push-pull tone pot for phase reverse in
addition to the coil tap present on the MX. The pickups are
also different (Magnaflux IV single coils with a Magnaflux II
First appeared in the 1985 UK catalogue, available in Transparent Red
or Transparent Blue (With Hard Maple neck and fingerboard), it was also
available in red and black, both colours with a Rosewood fingerboard.
First appears in US pricelists in Jan 1985 at $399.50 for the Trans
Red, Trans Blue and Black finishes (Red finish not mentioned), rises to
$460 in
August 1986. Last appears in the Sept 1987 pricelist (Only the Trans
Red finish is
available at that time)
Oddly, it doesn't appear in the April 1987 pricelist, and none of the
US pricelists show the (non-transparent) red finish
None of the catalogues or pricelists I've seen mention any changes to
the spec of the SX, but there must be at least two versions. Most of
the ones I've seen are as shown in the 1985 and 1986 catalogues,
but I have seen two (Which have obviously not been modified) which only
have a single tone control, and no phase reverse switch. The
pictures below are of one of these guitars which dates from mid-1986
(Serial number begins with 605, and is stamped on the neck plate).

Thanks to Ebay member meg1528 for the photos
Buying tips - check the trem is complete, parts may be very hard to
obtain. The pickups may not be the ones listed in the catalogues - see
UBC pickups page for details