by Forum member Sgt. Vimes on March 08, 2015
Read the full Forum discussion here:
This T1, needs attention to the finger wear areas so a whole refinish is in order.
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Interesting grain on the wings here, a few bumps here’n’there which hopefully will sand out.
Some deep old finger/pick wear, should come out fine.
Frets are fine, just some light crowning needed to get em up to newish, forgot to take a pic of the board between 11th and 12th, some scraping there which will need attention.
Took off the worn areas and a few dents with 120grit.
I dyed the grain filler black and rubbed it in nice an hard, then sanded that back then its colour-me time!
2 coats of oil
8 coats in, flatted back a couple of times.
No neck pics yet, but I’ve recrowned, sanded the scratches out of the board, stained and oiled the headstock, another couple coats of oil then the waterslide decal and a few more coats.
Waterslide decals printed off.
A tiny bit bigger than original, but certainly effective.
Logo done, everything in place apart from the pickups and possibly the nut channel needing a file down after I re-crowned the frets.
All done,(barr the pup rings) buffed to a semi sheen finish.
The feel of an oil finish neck really is something to behold, was going to put some Gretsch style gold knobs on, but I’m not keeping it so the new owner can choose. Lost a lb or so with sanding down to 7 1/2 lbs or thereabouts.